Generally, Bakersfield Tree Farm (VT) is 45 minutes Northeast of Burlington, Vermont
15 minutes East of St. Albans and 20 minutes North of Smugglers Notch Ski Area.
Specifically, we are on Rte 36, one quarter of a mile West of Bakersfield's intersection of Rte. 36 and Rte 108 [towards St. Albans].
Look for our large white, hand-painted sign on the South side of Route 36.
Our physical street address is 405 Fairfield Road (Rte 36) in Bakersfield, VT. Not California. Most GPS finds us.
Take Interstate 89, to Exit 19. Follow the ramp/interstate access road to Route 104 North.
At Intersection, turn Right and follow Route 36 East.
Follow Route 36 East through Fairfield and East Fairfield to Bakersfield.
If you reach Route 108, you missed us, but only by 1/4 mile.
We have plenty of free, off-street parking.
Available on a first come, first-served basis
Contact Amber, VT Broker and Realtor, at Blue Spruce Realty.