Bakersfield Tree Farm began well over 30 years ago now,
when the Foote family planted about 5,000 trees in a sunny Southfacing, sandy meadow
just outside Bakersfield, Vermont on Route 36.
The meadow is home to over 15,000 Christmas trees, ranging from stately,
room swallowing 17' Fraser and Balsam, down to three foot table-top Canaans.
We plant a few thousand more every Spring and again in the Fall, to replenish.
Trees take six to eight years to mature.
For every Christmas season, we have plenty of hand saws and sleds you can borrow, or you can bring your own.
We have twine for tying your tree securely to your vehicle. And candy canes.
[Please pay for your tree before you load it.]
If you are short on time, we also have plenty of pre-cut choices in the yard,
cut fresh every morning as needed, starting at $30.
We also hand bind wreaths of various sizes and decorations, made fresh every day.
We offer decorated and undecorated wreaths and kissing balls.
Prices vary with size and if decorated.
Well-mannered dogs on a leash are always welcome. We ask that you pack out whatever they might leave behind.
We aim to provide a low-key, enjoyable adventure, with accessible terrain in a beautiful country setting. If you have unique needs, such as limited mobility, please call us. We'd love to know how we might help you enjoy your visit.